History - Misericordia Domini

Apr 09, 2015 (PDLopes)

Reverted "Ex-sul-tá-te".

"(c4) MI(d)se(fe)ri(f)c\u00f3r(ef~)di(f)a(f) *() D\u00f3(ef/gf)mi(fff)ni(ed..) (,) ple(f)na(fff) est(fd) ter(fg~)ra,(f.) (,) al(gf~)le(f)l\u00fa(fhG~'F~)ia:(fgff) (:) ver(dg~)bo(g) De(gd/gvFE'f)i(e.) (,) c\u00e6(fffd)li(fe) fir(fg~)m\u00e1(gh)ti(fvED) sunt,(d.) (;) al(f)le(fh/jh)l\u00fa(ghg)ia,(e.) (,) al(g)le(ixg./hiG'F/hvGF'g//)l\u00fa(egff)ia.(fe..) <i>Ps.</i>(::) Ex(hg)xsul(gh)t\u00e1(h)te(h) ju(hg)sti(gi) in(i) D\u00f3(hi)mi(h)no:(h.) *(:) re(hg)ctos(gh) de(h)cet(h) col(h)lau(gf~)d\u00e1(gh)ti(g)o.(e.) (::) Gl\u00f3(hg)ri(gh)a(h) Pa(h)tri.(h) (::) E(h) u(h) o(gf) u(gh) a(g) e.(egff) (::)"

Syllabifier (Input:) exsultate => (Output:) ex-sul-ta-te (marello.org/tools/syllabifier) Syllabifier wrong, and not only for chant! Ex: Sicut (output Si-cut) but the correct is "Sic-ut"!!! But in that case, after searching a bit, I agree with you. Corrected!(PDLopes)